Review Template

Use this scaffold as a guide to write your reviews. You are more than welcome to deviate from the given scaffold but try to answer the prompts to keep information consistent across reviews, so students can draw comparisons more easily between different people’s experiences. 

You are also welcome to use an alias instead of your real name when posting your comment.

Year of Completion: This is the year you completed the course.


  • Was the workload content-heavy? 

  • Would you recommend doing it with 2 or 3 courses a term? 

  • Was the content difficult because it was highly conceptual or because you had to memorise a lot of terms? 


  • How was the quality of feedback for assessments from teaching staff? 

  • Do the teaching staff respond quickly? 

  • Are there any difficult or tricky assessments that students should keep in mind (and if so, do you have any tips or tricks to succeed)?


  • “If you like ______, you might like this course”

  • What kind of topics were interesting that you think others might like? 

Overall Comment: Leave a summary comment about how you found the course and any recommendations you may have for other students.